5,6 m teleskop antenne for Chelegance JPC-12 bærbar HF-antenne 7-52 Mhz
LEVERES MED "Disaster-Radio Firmware.
MCU Frekvens: |
ESP32 868MHz |
Flash | 4MB |
Serial Chip | CH9102 |
Wireless protocol | Wi-Fi + Bluetooth 4.2 |
Support | TF card slot |
Onboard functions | Reset \ Power switch |
Antenna |
3D WiFi Antenna [Use by default] (Support WiFi IPEX external antenna, but you need to jump resistance) |
Power Supply |
Support USB Micro / Li-Po Battery Dual Power Supply |
Note : Pay attention to the OLED when opening the box.
Long Range Low Power LoRa Transceiver
- High sensitivity: -i48dBm
- Transceive rate: 300 kbps
- Optional Hardware
- Version: SX1278[868Mhz]
Til LoRa32 V2.1_1.6 finnes det flere spennede firmware som kan blandt annet :
Paxcounter is an ESP32 MCU-based program for metering passenger flows in realtime. It counts how many mobile devices are around. This gives an estimation how many people are around.
Paxcounter detects Wifi and Bluetooth signals in the air, focusing on mobile devices by evaluating their MAC adresses.
Intention of this project is to do this without intrusion in privacy: You don't need to track people owned devices, if you just want to count them.
Paxcounter does not persistenly store MAC adresses and does no kind of fingerprinting the scanned devices.
Data can either be be stored on a local SD-card, transferred to cloud using LoRa WAN network or MQTT over TCP/IP, or transmitted to a local host using serial (SPI) interface.
- Disaster.radio is an off-grid, solar-powered, long-range mesh network built on free, open source software and affordable hardware.
- Designed to be open, distributed, and decentralized, disaster.radio is currently in the prototype/development phase.

Firmware kan lastes ned her :
Paxcounter Testing:
LoRa32 V2.1_1.6 Disaster-Radio

1. Size

2. Pin Diagram